[PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine
  • [PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine

[PRE-ORDER] diVine Insights - A journey through the World of wine

No tax Next shipping: November 2023

“DiVine Insights” is a captivating journey into viticulture, a central element in the life of the 20th century in Friuli Venezia Giulia, which has shaped the region's landscape, culture, and economy, making its wines internationally renowned.

This photographic and editorial project explores not only the local wine heritage but also the global expressions of passion for wine. Through images from around the world,“DiVine Insights” offers a reflection on how viticulture has overcome the challenges of time and continued to thrive globally, celebrating its growth and universal impact.


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Preface by:

  • Stefano Cosma, Wine journalist and author of books on the history of wines (Tocai, Vitovska, Collio, and others), and organizer of the Gran Premio Noè dedicated to wine in Gradisca d’Isonzo.
  • Franco Bochicchio, President of the Interuniversity Consortium on Education at the University of Turin and former full professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the University of Genoa.

With contributions from:

  • Claudia Colecchia, Head of the Photographic Archive and Library of the Civic Museums of History and Art of the Municipality of Trieste, dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage.
  • Marco Vittori, Mayor of Sagrado.

Special Guest Author:

  • Lorenzo Zoppolato, talented photographer born in Udine in 1990, with experience as an assistant photographer and in the advertising sector. His unique vision enriches this project.

Special Photographic Projects by:

  • Cultural Association - Associazione Culturale “Fotoclub Lucinico” APS
  • Photography Club - Circolo Fotografico Sandanielese "Ernesto Battigelli" APS

Images from the Archives of:

  • Photo archives of the Civic Museums of History and Art - Archivio Fototeca dei Civici Musei di Storia ed Arte 
  • Monfalcone Cultural Consortium - Consorzio Culturale del Monfalconese

Featured Photographers:

Adriana Fonda, Agnes Budai, Albena Nikolova, Alberto Cocchi, Aldo Liguoro, Alessandra Antonini, Alessandro Asciutto, Alessandro Astone, Alessandro Panerati, Alex Premoli, Alfredo Aruquipa, Alisa Bovkun, Amir Ali Navadeh Shahla, Andrea Cipriani, Angela Ravaioli, Antonella Pizzamiglio, Antonino Clemenza, Brandon Byeongbeom Kim, Breyergrafix, Bruno De Figueredo, Carlo Chinca, Caterina Mattana, Claudia Vivarelli, Cristina Morettini, Diana Codreanu, Elena Ghini, Emanuele Granzo, Enzo Forner, Ester Pertegato, Fabio Rinaldi, Fotomartsch, Francesca Fermeglia, Francesco Rega, Franco Mariangeli, Franco Luigi Beretta, Fritz Eichmann, Fulvia Vogric, Georg Worecki, Gino Menis, GIO78, Giordana Geromin, Giovanna Lunazzi, Giovanni Gabassi, Giovanni Urelli, Giuseppe Potenza, Giuseppe Santangeli, Giustina Wind, Giusy Baffi, Greta Grasso, Igor Nazaryin, Ilaria Tassini, Ilene Schwartz-Montesinos, Ilze Onzule, Ingrid Gielen, Irene Lorget, Jacopo Mazzeo, Jorge Bagnuoli, José Ramón Domínguez, Julio Etchart, Lajos Molnár, Lia Mageira, Licia Melani, Linda George-Braceland, Luca Menotti, Luca Vannella, Luciano D' Antonio, Luigi De Zotti, Marco Eugenio Biancardi, Marco Forcina, Maria Grazia Balciseri, Maria Nicolini, Maria Remo, Marina Tosolini, Marisa Paoli, Marisa Sardu, Mateusz Golebiewski, Maurizio Santagati, Maurizio Sartoretto, Mauro Zonch, MaxFiorindo, Meike Hollnaicher, Michael Eckart, Michela Petrocchi, Michele De Luca, Moritz Steiger, Natalia Safronova, Natalie Truchsess, Nazzareno Berton, Neno, Niccolò Di Meglio, Nicola Ritrovato, Norbert Hos, Olga Arune, Paolo Angelillo, Paweł Krzywoń-Majewski, Pia Parolin, Pierre Marino-Smette, ploutarcos haloftis, Rachele Gigli, Renato Battigelli, Renzo Schiratti, Riccardo Moretti, Roberto Carlon, Ruxanda Stegaru, Sandro Tedde, Shunet Parseen, Silvano Foggiato, Silvia Stefanutti, Simonetta Caligara, Simonetta Rossetti, Stefano Ambroset, Tania Barbagli, Thibaut Fleuret, Valentina D'Alia, Valeria Di Santo, Valeria Druzhinina, Vinz Carlà, Vittorio D'Angelo, Vladimir Pankratov, Vladimir Spiridonov, Witold Bianga, Yamil Vidal.

Supporters and Project Partners:

“Sguardi diVini dal Novecento ad oggi” is realized with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region – Io Sono FVG and partnerships with the Municipality of Buttrio, Municipality of Sagrado, Museum of the Wine Civilization of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Associazione Amici di Castelnuovo, Pro Loco Buri A.P.S., Associazione Culturale “Fotoclub Lucinico” APS, Circolo Fotografico Sandanielese Ernesto Battigelli APS, Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport spa.

With collaboration from Conte d’Attimis-Maniago, Associazione Città del Vino, Consorzio Culturale del Monfalconese, CBVG Consorzio di Bonifica della Venezia Giulia.


Data sheet

Exhibit Around APS
22x22 cm
Paperback - Matt lamination

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