Dates 4th October 25th November 2023
Monday from 8 AM to 2 PM
Tuesday to Saturday from 8 AM to 5 PM
Closed on Sunday
Exhibited photos by:
Agnes Budai, Alba Basezzi, Alessandro Ledda, Alessandro Ottombrini, Alida Volpi, Andrea Bracco, Andrea Cipriani, Andrea Lo Maglio, Arianna Romano, Claudia Alberti, Cristian Cesarotto, Cristina Achucarro, Cristina Bozieglav, Dario Buttazzoni, Elisa Medeot, Emanuela Sol, Ester Pertegato, Fabio Cumin, Fabio Milani, Federico Mondini, Ferruccio Venanzio, Francesca Codogno, Francesca Fermeglia, Francesco Possega, Fulvia Vitale, Gerhard Wagner, Gianni Olivetti, Giorgio Mesghetz, Giovanna Lunazzi, Giovanni Gabassi, Giulia Cargnelli, Giuseppe Roccasanta, Giustina Wind, Gualtiero Bohm, Hans Brooymans, Harry Giglio, Henri Loreci, Ilaria Tassini, Immacolata Giordano, Luca Dell'anna, Luigi Giordano, Maria Castiglione, Maria Kremneva, Maria Zambon, Marina Tosolini, Marino Porfiri, Marioluca Bariona, Marisa Paoli, Mary P, Matteo Faliero, Mauro Zonch, Michele Ginevra, Paola Morsoletto, Paolo Dellepiane, Paolo Maschio, Patricia D. Richards, Pia Parolin, Radosław Surowiec, Riccardo Moretti, Roberto Furlan, Romano Ovan, Sandro Vicedomini, Silvana Gallio, Silvia Abbiezzi, Stefano Temperoni, Tullio Andrea Sivilotti, Valentina Ambrosi, Vincenzo Finamora, Giancarlo Staubmann
Trieste Audace is a homage to the city of Trieste that Exhibit Around aims to celebrate with a new photographic and editorial project. The project will be presented during the important international festival dedicated to photography that Trieste has hosted for the past 10 years, the Trieste Photo Days. The city of great literary names, of the Bora and of historic cafés, is defined as "bold" because it is a city that dares, puts itself game, which keeps up with the times without forgetting its origins. A city where sea and mountains come together in an area rich in history and gastronomic culture, symbol of Central European culture. A city with a glorious past that looks to the future, as does its large square that overlooks the sea.