Exhibit Around launches every year several open calls for photographers from all over the world to give life to exhibitions and photographic volumes.

Cover of the tournament for photographer - second edition
Submissions open

EA Cup 2024

Deadline 31st July 2024

La seconda edizione del trofeo Exhibit Around riservato ai membri che saranno protagonisti a tutto tondo della nascita e dello sviluppo di questo format. Il tema di quest'anno è il minimalismo, "Less is More", scelto dal secondo classificato della prima edizione di EA Cup 2023.



The second edition of the EA Cup begins, the tournament for photographers that becomes an event at the Trieste Photo Days festival.

EA Cup 2024 EA Membership Open Call

164 portfolios were sent by photographers from all over the world to participate in the [...]

Collectible Shots EA Membership Open Call

The finalists were chosen for their ability to offer unique interpretations and testimonies on the [...]

Objective Company Town Books Exhibits News Progetti Originali EA


Dates 27th October 12th November 2023

The photographic exhibition of "71% - The State of Water" at the international photography festival Trieste Photo Days. With the live participation of special guest Kadir van Lohuizen, Dutch photographer and member of NOOR Images.


Exhibit Around Logo
Completed photographic projects
PixAround FVG 2024 local photoghraphy project in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
PixAround FVG 2024 local photoghraphy project in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Project status: Ongoing

PixAround is a photographic project focused on the regional territory. A project structured in group photographic outings and in a contest between the photographic circles of the region. The photos collected will give life to exhibitions and photographic exhibitions within the Trieste Photo Days international photography festival and to various exhibitions on the regional territory within the Photo Days Tour.

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photographic project about sports
photographic project about sports

PLAY! – Let the Game Begin

Special guest Adam Pretty

Project status: Ongoing

PLAY! - Let the Game Begin is a photographic project that aims to explore the wonderful and unique world of sport. A photographic celebration of a dimension that profoundly influences our lives, understanding the term "sport" in its broadest declination: from a meeting between fans, to a game with friends, a school dance recital up to competitive sporting events and the world of high-level sport. With the special participation of professional sports photographer Adam Pretty, 11-time photographer of the Olympics and many other top-level sporting events.

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Photographic project about company towns
Photographic project about company towns

Objective: Company Town

Special guest Andrea Rossato

Project status: Ongoing

Photographic project on "company towns", the so-called factory-cities, born under the pressure of industrial development. The photographic testimony of an urban phenomenon which has had important historical, social, economic and cultural implications. Taking inspiration from the workers' village of Panzano and the industrial city of Torviscosa, two company towns in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Exhibit Around explores the phenomenon on a larger scale thanks to the participation of photographers from all over the globe. With the participation of the award-winning Italian photographer Andrea Rossato.

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Exhibit Around

Your own books.
The result of the collective photographic projects of Exhibit Around APS, paginated in splendid photographic books born from the publishing house project and shipped all over the world.


Exhibit Around is a Social Promotion Association (APS). After six years of photographic initiatives started in 2017, we felt the need to grow and affirm the identity of Exhibit Around.
Through our open calls, we have created 16 unpublished collective photographic projects, which have involved hundreds of authors from all over the world and have given rise to prestigious photographic volumes and dozens of exhibitions in the international setting of the Trieste Photo Days festival.

The second edition of the EA Cup begins, the tournament for photographers that becomes an event at the Trieste Photo[...]

EA Cup 2024 EA Membership Open Call

164 portfolios were sent by photographers from all over the world to participate in the new call that unites photography[...]

Collectible Shots EA Membership Open Call

The finalists were chosen for their ability to offer unique interpretations and testimonies on the company town phenomenon.

Objective Company Town Books Exhibits News Progetti Originali EA

Exhibit Around editors have carefully selected the Winners’ Shortlist for the “diVine Insights” book project, highlighting 28 exceptional finalists for[...]

diVine Insights Books Exhibits Prizes

We’re excited to announce the “Mythography Vol.IV” Winners’ Shortlist, featuring 39 talented photographers selected as finalists for the Best Author[...]

Mythography 4 Books Open Call Prizes