New free photography open call for photographers

Photography open call dedicated to Vajont disaster
Concluded project

Vajont Photo Days: 1963 – 2023

A large photographic project to commemorate the Vajont tragedy through the dialogue between photography, historical memory, dissemination and territory enhancement.

Deadline 18th June 2023

Photography open call dedicated to Vajont disaster

Vajont Photo Days: 1963 - 2023

The dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations, promoters of the Trieste Photo Days international festival, are launching an open call addressed to all photographers for the multidisciplinary project Vajont Photo Days: 1963 - 2023.

The project

Vajont Photo Days is a multidisciplinary project to remember the Vajont tragedy through the dialogue between photography, historical memory, dissemination and territory enhancement.
The goal is to return an exciting journey through time, starting from "before the tragedy" up to the present day, sixty years after the dramatic events of the Vajont.
With this photographic project we want to offer an in-depth view of the area affected by the disaster, exploring the history, the culture, the daily life of the people who live there and their memories.

The theme

The ambition is to narrate the past, present and future of the areas affected by the Vajont tragedy in an original and artistic way, to capture the essence of the place and its inhabitants, offering a vision that is both sensitive and original, capable to restore the beauty of these lands but also their complexity and history.
In particular, we are looking for works that can represent: the daily life of the people who live in these areas, the beauty of the landscapes, as well as their evolution over time, the memory of the inhabitants and their links with the territory, the transformations of the territory and the traces of the tragedy.

For who is it for

To photographers from all over the world interested in submitting single photos, and/or projects and portfolios, focused on the areas affected by the disaster such as Erto, Casso, Longarone, the Vajont Dam, the Vajont village, recent or from the past.
The participating photographers will have the opportunity to become part of a video documentary, an exhibition, a dedicated photobook. Everything will be presented at the Trieste Photo Days – International Festival of Urban Photography X edition (27-29 October 2023) and at the Photo Days Tour 2023 in the FVG Region in italy.

The photos

Each author will be able to address the theme through the photographic genre that he feels closest to: street photography, portrait, social reportage, documentary photography, nature photography, architectural photography and industrial archeology, fine-art.
The photographic works must be able to tell about the past, present and future of the areas affected by the Vajont tragedy in an original and artistic way".

Reportage: how to build a story – Workshop with Pierpaolo Mittica

The Vajont Dam Parking
Erto e Casso (PN) - 33080, Italy (Open in maps )

Saturday, 20th May 2023 Sunday, 21st May 2023

Photographic walk in Vajont

The 24HOURS of Photography – Vajont Dam

The Vajont Dam Parking
Erto and Casso (PN) - 33080, Italy (Open in maps )

Saturday 20th May 2023 Sunday 21st May 2023

Vajont Photo Days is made possible with the support of Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia – Io Sono FVG and in partnership with CRAF – Centro Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia/Photography Research and Archiving Centre, DEAMS – Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics “B. de Finetti” of the University of Trieste, and the Regional Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites. The project also collaborates with Professor Giovanni Fraziano, Municipality of Vajont, ProLoco Vajont APS, Civil Protection of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Stazione Rogers and the Photographic Club "La Gondola" from Venice.
The project also benefits from the historical-artistic consultancy of Vincenzo Labellarte and Luigi Sorrentino.

Logo della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Logo del CRAF Centro Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia
Logo dell'università di Trieste in occasione del centenario
Logo del dipartimento di scienze economiche, aziendali e statistiche Bruno de Finetti
Logo del Parco delle Dolomiti Friulane
logo of the civil defence in fvg
logo of the rogers station in trieste
logo of the photographic club from Venice "La Gondola"


The call is open to all and registration is free. To submit photos, simply register or access the new Exhibit Around user area, select the call Vajont Photo Days: 1963 - 2023 and follow the procedure for Single Photos and/or Projects/Portfolios.

We will select the works that will be part of the prestigious dedicated exhibition and that will be published in the photographic book dedicated to the project.



Following a precise selection, dotART and Exhibit Around APS will select the Best Author of the project and Honorable Mentions.

The award event will be held on the occasion of the Trieste Photo Days 2023 international photography festival.

Best Author

  • € 500,00 Amazon Gift Card
  • Special customized trophy
  • 1 free copy of Vajont Photo Days: 1963 - 2023 photographic volume
  • Guest of honor at the dinner of the authors on Friday 27 October at Trieste Photo Days together with the super-guests of the festival
  • A selection of free copies of Exhibit Around photo books

Honorable mentions

  • Customized medal
  • A seleciton of free copies of Exhibit Around photo books
Foto aerea della diga del vajont


Why may want to know...

The best photos will be exhibited in a dedicated exhibition at the end of October 2023 as part of the international photography festival Trieste Photo Days 2023.
The exhibition venue is being defined.

Is participation free?

Participation in the Open Call is completely free, as is participation in the photographic exhibition and in the book.
We remind you that Exhibit Around is a social promotion association, therefore it is not for profit. Logistics, photo printing and exhibition organization expenses will be borne by Exhibit Around APS and dotART cultural association.

What technical characteristics must the photos have?

A candidate photo will be selected as the cover. Authors wishing to submit their photo explicitly for the cover should add the word "cover" to the name of the uploaded file.
Photos must not contain signatures, watermarks, watermarks or frames. Images must be in '.jpg' format and the color mode must be RGB. The size of the single file must be less than 9 MB while the dimensions required for the photos are:

  • minimum 2000px short side
  • maximum 6000px long side

The file name must not contain special characters but only letters and/or numbers.

Who deteins the rights of the submitted photos?

Each photographer retains the moral and intellectual property rights on their works submitted for the call. Each author grants the Exhibit Around and dotART association the non-exclusive right to use the winning / selected images to promote and/or advertise the association's non-profit activities, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the 'Opera).