Here you can find news and updates about the photographic open calls and about the photography projects you are following.
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The second edition of the EA Cup begins, the tournament for photographers that becomes an event at the Trieste Photo [...]

EA Cup 2024 EA Membership Open Call

164 portfolios were sent by photographers from all over the world to participate in the new call that unites photography [...]

Collectible Shots EA Membership Open Call

The finalists were chosen for their ability to offer unique interpretations and testimonies on the company town phenomenon.

Objective Company Town Books Exhibits News Progetti Originali EA

Exhibit Around editors have carefully selected the Winners’ Shortlist for the “diVine Insights” book project, highlighting 28 exceptional finalists for [...]

diVine Insights Books Exhibits Prizes

We’re excited to announce the “Mythography Vol.IV” Winners’ Shortlist, featuring 39 talented photographers selected as finalists for the Best Author [...]

Mythography 4 Books Open Call Prizes

We are thrilled to announce the Winners’ Shortlist for the “PLAY! Let the Game Begin” photo book. This Shortlist consists [...]

Play! Books Prizes Selected Authors

Since its launch in 2017 as a platform of the dotART cultural association, Exhibit Around has evolved into an independent [...]

Association News EA Membership

Selected from a total of 643 participants, the selected authors will be protagonists of the most significant publication of the [...]

Play! Books Open Call Projects Selected Authors

Unveiling the 122 selected photographers that will be included in the photographic book of this special photo project about Wine

diVine Insights Books Open Call Projects Selected Authors

We are announcing the 112 photographers selected to become part of the photographic volume "Obiettivo: Company Town".

Objective Company Town Books Open Call Projects Selected Authors

Announced the 142 photographers selected for the fourth volume of Mythography, the series of photographic volumes inspired by Greek and [...]

Mythography 4 Books Projects Selected Authors

Meet and exhibit your photos in the art gallery together with Paul Gadd, special guest of the "Collectible Shots" photography [...]

Collectible Shots EA Membership Open Call Special guest

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th April 2024. The 24HOURS are open to all. Interested photographers will be able to participate [...]

PixAround 2024 The Double City Events Photographic Walks

The new photographic project focuses on communities divided by a border and on the cities that were once united, but [...]

The Double City News Projects

Applications for “Objective: Company Town,” a photography project on factory towns, involved authors from around the world.

Objective Company Town News Open Call Progetti Originali EA

Submissio for “diVine Insights” are now closed. We thank the photographers from around the world who shared shots celebrating the [...]

diVine Insights Exhibits News Open Call Progetti Originali EA

The original project signed Exhibit Around received an extraordinary response, with more than 700 authors from around the world submitting [...]

Play! News Open Call Projects

Saturday 20th April 2024. The 24HOURS are open to all. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with [...]

Objective Company Town PixAround 2024 Events Photographic Walks

The new open call "Objective Company Town" begins, exploring the phenomenon of industrial cities through the lens of participants.

Objective Company Town Open Call Prizes

The Exhibit Around APS association has launched a new photographic project called “Objective Company Town: Panzano and Torviscosa from the [...]

Objective Company Town News Projects

Saturday 6th April 2024. The 24HOURS are open to all. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with [...]

diVine Insights PixAround 2024 Events Photographic Walks

"A photographic journey through the cultural and culinary heritage of the territory that will kick off a new open call."

diVine Insights News Projects

Saturday 23rd March 2024. The 24HOURS are open to all. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with [...]

Objective Company Town PixAround 2024 Events Photographic Walks

Saturday 9 March 2024. The 24HOURS are open to all. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with [...]

diVine Insights PixAround 2024 Events Photographic Walks

Selections are now open for photographers who will become part of the 4th volume of the series of photographic books [...]

Mythography 4 Open Call Projects

Registrations are open for the new free open call for photographers dedicated to the world of sport and all its [...]

Play! Open Call Projects

Just a few days left until the 10th edition of the international urban photography festival Trieste Photo Days. Over 1500 [...]

Events Exhibits Trieste Photo Days

We are at the end of the EA Cup 2023 journey, the exciting photographic challenge dedicated to Exhibit Around members.

EA Cup 2023 Exhibits Prizes

Closing event of the photographic project "Vajont Photo Days". Photo exhibition, book presentation and documentary. The winners are rewarded.

Vajont Photo Days Events Projects

We are publishing a preview of the results of the voting carried out so far: the best 16 photos ranked, [...]

EA Cup 2023 Prizes Projects

Presentation event of the photographic project "Vajont Photo Days: 1963 - 2023" and inauguration of the photographic exhibition.

Vajont Photo Days Events Exhibits Projects

Today we announce the selected photographers for the book Vajont Photo Days: 1963 - 2023: a total of 66 photographers [...]

Vajont Photo Days Books News

We are pleased to announce the best authors of "71% – The State of Water" selected among the 218 photographers [...]

71% State of Water Books News

With great pleasure, today we reveal the 151 photographers officially selected for the third volume of the Mythography series.

Mythography 3 Books News

We are thrilled to announce the selected authors of the Trieste Audace photographic volume: 118 photographers and over 300 images.

Trieste Audace Books News

Inauguration event of the photographic exhibition preview of the photographic project in honor of the city of Trieste.

Trieste Audace Events Exhibits News

Great success of participation in the photographic project The Eyes of Gorizia carried out with the students of the "Graphics [...]

Toward GO!2025 Events

Exhibit Around joins the project "The City I Would Like" created by the Order of Architects PPC of Trieste on [...]

Trieste Audace Events

Nominations are officially closed for Vajont Photo Days, the new Exhibit Around project dedicated to the memory of the Vajont Tragedy.

Vajont Photo Days News Projects

This year, we dedicated our big project to the precious element of water. After a careful and rigorous selection among [...]

71% State of Water News Projects

Trieste Photo Days festival shows the city through the "eyes" of the young students of ISIS Galilei of Gorizia.

Toward GO!2025 News Projects

Nominations are officially closed for Mythography III, the new Exhibit Around project dedicated to Greco-Roman mythology, which this year featured [...]

Mythography 3 News Projects

An important opportunity to reward and enhance photographers by offering them the opportunity to be recognized as "best author".

News Prizes

Nominations are officially closed for Trieste Audace, the new photographic project signed Exhibit Around dedicated to Trieste, the city that [...]

Trieste Audace News Projects

The cultural associations dotART and Exhibit Around APS are pleased to present the Vajont Photo Days, a multidisciplinary project to [...]

Vajont Photo Days News Open Call

The preview of the photographic exhibition "71% - The State of Water" has been opened on May 2nd at the [...]

71% State of Water Events Exhibits

The virtual meeting with the award-winning photographer Pierpaolo Mittica was held on Tuesday 18 April at 20:30. A preparatory meeting [...]

Vajont Photo Days Events News

A multidisciplinary photographic project in memory of the Vajont events. Dialogue between photography, memory, dissemination and territory.

Vajont Photo Days News Open Call

On 12th April 2023, we virtually met the dutch photographer and member of NOOR Images Kadir van Lohuizen. Kadir presented [...]

71% State of Water Events News

The dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations, promoters of the Trieste Photo Days festival, launch a free open call for [...]

Mythography 3 News Open Call

A tribute to the city that gave birth to the Trieste Photo Days, now one of the most important events [...]

Trieste Audace News Open Call

Submissions are officially closed for 71% The State of Water, the new original project signed Exhibit Around.

71% State of Water News Projects

As every year returns the TPD Digital Talks, an opportunity for all those who take part to get in touch [...]

71% State of Water Events News

The Pasolini Photo Days event, which was attended by many photographers and enthusiasts, came to a successful conclusion.

Pasolini Photo Days Events News

The "Pasolini Mythography" exhibition made its debut at the Cinecity cinema in Lignano Sabbiadoro.

Pasolini Photo Days Events News

Pasolini Photo Days will be presented on Saturday 4th March at 17:00 in the Church of San Gregorio di Sacile.The [...]

Pasolini Photo Days Association News News

The 24HOURS are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2023 Association News Photographic Walks

The 24HOURS are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2023 Association News Photographic Walks

The 24HOURS are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2023 Association News Photographic Walks

Join the open call for the new Exhibit Around APS photographic project dedicated to Water! dotART and Exhibit Around APS [...]

71% State of Water News Open Call

The Pasolini Photo Days project will come to life in March 2023, with a large collective exhibition at the church [...]

Pasolini Photo Days Books News

We asked the authors of WOW – Worlds of Women, the collective project dedicated to the female universe that we [...]

WOW - Worlds of Women News Projects

31 photographers will be displayed at the collective exhibition dedicated to the world of coffee TriestEspresso Photo Days 2022, promoted [...]

TriestEspresso 2022 Exhibits News

From 28 October to 27 November international festival Trieste Photo Days 2022 will host a preview of Pasolini Photo Days 2022: Mythography at Palazzo Gopcevich, [...]

Pasolini - Mythography Pasolini Photo Days News

We are working on curatorship and design of the collective photographic volumes that we will present at the end of [...]

PixAround 2022 Association News Books

We are pleased to announce the best authors of WOW – Worlds of Women, selected by the Exhibit Around editorial team [...]

WOW - Worlds of Women News Projects

We are working on curatorship and design of the collective photographic volumes that we will present at the end of [...]

Mythography 2 Books News

The 24Hrs are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2022 Association News Photographic Walks

The 24Hrs are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2022 Association News Photographic Walks

After a long job of curatorship we are finally ready to reveal the first details of WOW – Worlds of Women, [...]

WOW - Worlds of Women Books News

The 24HOURS are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2022 Association News Photographic Walks

The 24Hrs are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment [...]

PixAround 2022 Association News Photographic Walks

Mythography is back! For the second year we are happy to launch the photographic project that pays homage to Greek and [...]

Mythography 2 Books News

Exhibit Around APS riproporrà anche quest’anno il progetto PixAround FVG! Tenetevi pronti per una nuova open call destinata alla produzione [...]

PixAround 2022 Association News Projects

Da oggi Exhibit Around è ufficialmente un’associazione di promozione sociale (APS). Dopo sei anni di iniziative fotografiche sentivamo la necessità [...]

Association News

We are pleased to announce the best authors of the Mythography – Vol. 01 project, selected by the Exhibit Around editorial team. [...]

Mythography 1 News Projects

We are pleased to announce the best authors of the Tales of the Unwritten project, selected by the Exhibit Around editorial team. [...]

Tales of the Unwritten News Projects

We are working on curatorship and design of the collective photographic volumes that we will present at the end of [...]

Mythography 1 Books News

After a careful selection work, we are finally ready to reveal the first details of the Tales of the Unwritten volume, the tribute [...]

Tales of the Unwritten Books News

On Sunday, May 2, 2021, submissions for Mythography I officially closed. It was an open call that we care a lot about, [...]

Mythography 1 News Open Call

Submissions for Tales of the Unwritten, the new original project promoted by Exhbit Around, are now officially closed. Thanks to all the [...]

Tales of the Unwritten News Open Call

The cultural association dotART, promoter of the Trieste Photo Days festival, launches through its platform Exhibit Around the new editorial project Mythography, a [...]

Mythography 1 News Projects

Waiting for the Chromantic book to be ready (we are working on it and we can’t wait to present it [...]

Chromantic News Open Call

Dopo un lungo e attento lavoro di selezione e curatela siamo finalmente pronti a svelarvi i dettagli del volume ufficiale [...]

Chromantic Books News

In light of the great success of the Chromantic Call, we have decided to involve an important Italian art critic in the [...]

Chromantic News Projects

Sunday, March 1st, submissions for Chromantic, the new original project promoted by Exhbit Around, were officially closed. Chromantic, an ambitious tribute to Alex [...]

Chromantic News Open Call

A big news for the Chromantic: Light / Colors / Memories call! We had been working on it since December and now [...]

Chromantic News Open Call

While waiting for the Short Street Stories book to be ready (we are working on it!), we are happy to unveil Best [...]

Short Street Stories News Projects

First official news for Short Street Stories! We are finally able to announce the “team” of over 170 authors from all over [...]

Short Street Stories Books News

On February 28th, we closed the submissions for the new original project by Exhibit Around: Short Street Stories, an ambitious tribute [...]

Short Street Stories News Open Call

We promised a special guest to participate in Short Street Stories and now we can officially announce it: a series of pictures of the [...]

Short Street Stories News Projects