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Vajont Photo Days News Open Call

Vajont Photo Days: 1963-2023

4 May 2023

The cultural associations dotART and Exhibit Around APS are pleased to present the Vajont Photo Days, a multidisciplinary project to commemorate the Vajont Dam disaster through photography, historical memory, dissemination and enhancement of the territory.

The project will involve photographers, experts, citizens and both scientific and cultural institutions to offer a photographic, historical and scientific testimony, and a reflection on the local memory and culture, starting from “before the tragedy” up to today, 60 years after the dramatic event of the Vajont Dam.

The project aims to tell the story of the affected areas in the past, present, and future, capturing the essence of the local community and its inhabitants. It also seeks to offer an original perspective, documenting the territory’s changes over time and making the collective memory and historical testimony tangible.

Thanks to the partnerships with CRAF – Centro Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia/Photography Research and Archiving Centre, DEAMS – Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics “B. de Finetti” of the University of Trieste, and the Regional Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites, the project consists of:

– a photographic open call (8th May – 4th June)

2 days of photography (20th – 21st May) in Erto, Casso e Longarone. During the weekend a photographic workshop with Pierpaolo Mittica, famous photographer and documentary filmmaker, will take place.

The activities will give life to an audiovisual document, an exhibition with the best photos and a selection of archive’s images of the CRAF, a publication with scientific texts realized by the Partners involved. These elements represent an opportunity for the enhancement of the territory, the cultural dissemination and the promotion of the historical memory.

The audio-visual document in particular, will be made up of images, footage, and interviews with project partners and collaborators. It aims to spread awareness of the impact of large-scale interventions on the environment, as well as the importance of data analysis to assess disaster risk, including climate change. The document can be used at different levels, from schools to institutions, to promote careful discussion and involve the regional community.

Among the speakers: Antonio Carrara, head of the Regional Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites, Francesco Pauli, Full Professor in Statistics of the DEAMS and Giovanni Fraziano, Full Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition, both of the University of Trieste, Alvise Rampini, head of CRAF of Spilimbergo and the Civil Protection of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

Vajont Photo Days will be showcased at Trieste Photo Days – International Festival of Urban Photography, 10th Edition (27th-29th October 2023) and during Photo Days Tour 2023, with the screening of the audio-visual document, exhibition and publication presentation, and the award ceremony for the best photos.

Vajont Photo Days is made possible with the support of Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia – Io Sono FVG and in partnership with CRAF – Centro Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia/Photography Research and Archiving Centre, DEAMS – Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics “B. de Finetti” of the University of Trieste, and the Regional Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites. The project also collaborates with Professor Giovanni Fraziano, Comune di Vajont, ProLoco Vajont APS, Civil Protection of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and Stazione Rogers.

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