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Vajont Photo Days Books News

Vajont Photo Days : 1963 – 2023: selected authors and photographic volume

4 September 2023

We are working on curatorship and design of the photographic volumes that we will present at the end of October at the Trieste Photo Days 2023 festival.

Today we reveal the names of the authors officially selected for the book Vajont Photo Days: 1963 – 2023. The volume will contain a total of 66 photographers and over 350 images. A selection of the best photographs by each published author will be displayed in a group exhibitiondedicated to the project (date and place yet to be determined).

PRE-ORDERS OPEN! For those who wants to purchase a physical copy of the books they’re both in pre-order in our bookshop.
The book will be officially released in November. You can pick up your copy directly at the info point of the Trieste Photo Days festival (from 27th to 29th October 2023 at Sala Xenia, Riva III Novembre, corner with Via Mazzini) at no extra charge, or you can choose your shipping method (books shipment starts in November).


Book cover of the photographic volume about Vajont Dam

Photographic volume

Vajont Photo Days: 1963 – 2023

€ 32,00

Vajont Photo Days: 1963 – 2023 is a multidisciplinary project to commemorate the Vajont tragedy through a dialogue between photography, historical memory, popularization and enhancement of the territory.

The goal is to return an emotional journey that spans time, starting from “before the tragedy” to the present day, sixty years after the dramatic Vajont event. This photographic project aims to offer an in-depth view of the area affected by the disaster, exploring the history, culture, daily life of the people living there and their memory.

Special guest of the project is Pierpaolo Mittica: a world reknowned humanist and environmental photographer, reporter and filmmaker, he has received numerous international awards. His photos have been exhibited in Europe, the United States and China.
His exhibition “Chernobyl: The Hidden Legacy” was chosen in 2006 by the Chernobyl National Museum in Kiev, Ukraine, as the official exhibition for the 20th anniversary celebration of the Chernobyl disaster.

Selected photographers in the book:
Adriano Zanni, Alessandro Secondin, Alessia Ciocca, Andrea Zadro, Barbara Floreani, Barbara Domenis, Beatrice Ius, Claudia Casal, Claudia Alberti, Claudio Covre, Clelia Petris, Cristina Achucarro, Davide Serpagli, Donato Marmorini, Elisa Crestani, Elisa Bartolini, Emanuele Granzo, Enzo Crispino, Federico Mondini, Francesca Codogno, Francesco Mattucci, Franco Gardiman, Fulvio Marcello Orsenigo, Gabriele Calamelli, Giuseppe Roccasanta, Giustina Wind, Iskra Coronelli, Licia De Marco, Lodovico Borgogno, Lorenzo Bettio, Manuel Faggionato, Manuele Cecconello, Marco De Biasi, Marco Saccon, Maria Zambon, Maria Cristina Cupin, Marina Tosolini, Massimiliano Del Bianco, Massimiliano Perelli, Matteo Faliero, Maurizio Sartoretto, Mauro Zonch, Mauro Zorer, Mauro De Bettio, Nazzareno Berton / Sergio Carlesso, Oreste Girotto, Paolo Parussini, Patrizia Sonato, Renzo Schiratti, Riccardo Moretti, Riccardo Fornasiero, Roberta Grandelis, Roberto Pelin, Romano Ovan, Rosario De Blasi, Sandro Vicedomini, Stefania Giacomin, Stefano Meroi, Stefano Ambroset, Stefano Consolaro, Terry Manfrin, Tullio Andrea Sivilotti, Umberto Vio, Umberto Cenedese, Vittorio Sgoifo, Walter Bastiani.

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