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Objective Company Town Books Open Call Projects Selected Authors

Here are the Selected Authors for “Objective: Company Town”

27 June 2024

Our work of curating and designing the photographic volumes that will be showcased at the end of October at the Trieste Photo Days 2024 festival continues. With great pleasure, today we unveil the 112 photographers (out of the 166 who participated in the open call) officially selected for the second volume of the Objective: Company Town.

The project aims to gather interpretations and testimonies from photographers worldwide on the phenomenon of company towns. Through the participants’ photographic lenses, we aim to explore an urban phenomenon that has had significant historical, social, economic, and cultural implications.

We are delighted to announce two special projects highlighted in the upcoming book, curated by local historical photo clubs ‘Circolo Fotografico Battigelli‘ and ‘Fotoclub Lucinico‘. Look forward to a dedicated feature article in the coming weeks.

We won’t reveal the names of two Special Guest Authors yet! Stay tuned for the latest updates to discover which renowned urban photographers will be joining the Selected Authors in the photo book!

Here are the Selected Authors, listed alphabetically:

Agnes Budai, Aleks Chetverikov, Alex Agafonov, Alex Premoli, Alexis Aubin, Alnis Stakle, Amir Ali Navadeh Shahla, Ana Alexandrescu, Andrea Cipriani, Andrea Cuscunà, Angie Meza, Anna Moskalkova, Anna Tut, Annacarla Tami, Antonino Clemenza, Antonio E Cristina Lorenzini E Corsi, Asmara Bassetti, Aurora Sanmartino, Barney Jobson, Bénédicte Gravoin, Berci Kónyi, Brett Leigh Dicks, Bruno De Figueredo, Chiara Calderoni – Chiaro_scuri, Cinzia Leghissa, Corrado Tollin, Dominika Rafalska, Efi Laskari, Elena MariaCristina Muzzarelli, Elisa Medeot, Eliseo Tessadro, Emma Graziani, Enrico Chiambalero, Enzo Forner, Евгений Степанов, Ewa Rogula, Federico Mauro, Francesca Fermeglia, Franco Gardiman, Fulvia Coloricchio, Fulvia Vogric, Gábor Jakab, Gabriele Badiale, Geert Verstrepen, Giovanna Lunazzi, Giovanni Gabassi, Giuseppe Maione, Giuseppe Roccasanta, Greg Bolger, Immacolata Giordano, Ingrid Gielen, Istvan Hainer, Janusz Jurek, Jean-Marc Benson, Kimmo Sahakangas, Luca Menotti, Luca Vannella, Maciej Lewandowski, Maja Prgomet, Małgorzata Szura Piwnik, Malva Suarez S., Marco Moro, Maria Cristina Guernieri, Maria Pansini, Marina Shukurova, Marina Tosolini, Mariusz Forecki, Marci Lindsay, Mary Palaiologou, Marylise Vigneau, Matthew Kaplan, Maurizio Santagati, Mauro Zonch, Mehrdad Vahed Yousefabad, Michele Cagnazzo, Milica Macanović, Mohammad Bahmanziari, Mohammad Shahriar Foisal, Monica Brini, Nastaran Tafazoli, Niccolò Di Meglio, Nicolò Rinaldi, Paola Lupi, Patrizia Sonato, Paul Braverman, Paweł Krzywoń- Majewski, Peter Wach, Riccardo Moretti, Róbert Nunkovics, Robin Johnston, Robin Michals, Roman Kosh, Sara De Biaggio, Segalen Benoit, Shalini Nopany, Siavosh, Silvia Stefanutti, Stefano Ambroset, Suhail Ahmed, Susan Cardona, Swen Bernitz, Szőnyi István, Tim Hopwood, Valentina Bollea, Valentina D’Alia, Viola Vendrame, Viviana Pizarro Magnani, Walter Fogel, William Zhang, Witold Bianga, Yutong Xie, Zewei Peng – 泽威 彭

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