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PixAround 2023 Association News Photographic Walks

24HOURS of Photography – Trieste

28 February 2023
Photographic walk in Trieste
Contest and Rankings Bracket and Rankings

The 24HOURS are open to everyone. Interested photographers will be able to participate freely, equipped with their own photographic equipment and independent in their movements.

In case of bad weather we will communicate any postponements on this site and/or on our Facebook page.

Saturday 1st April 2023

We will meet in Trieste for the second photographic walk as part of the PixAround FVG 2023 project activities. The photographic walk is also part of the biggest Trieste Audace project dedicated to the hometown of the international festival of photography Trieste Photo Days on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. There will be more details in the open call section of our website.
The walk is organized in collaboration with Experience Local, whom we thank for their availability and fundamental collaboration!


Photographers are free to explore other glimpses independently and according to their own inspiration.

  • 9:00 am – Meeting in front of the Church of Sant’Antonio Taumaturgo (the Church at the end of the Canal Grandeopen in maps).
    (parcheggio suggerito: Molo 4)
    Virgilio of Experience Local will be with us for an introduction to the city through the eyes of those who live it!
  • Following – Start of the photographic walk and exploration of Trieste.
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm – Group lunch at a special price at 040 Social Food, near the Canal Grande.
    (confirmations to be send by thuesday 30th March to [email protected] subject to availability of places).
  • Following – Free afternoon shooting.


Following a precise curatorship, Exhibit Around APS will select the Best Photographers of the 24H Photography.

1st classified

  • € 100,00 Amazon Gift Card
  • Photobooks and photographic volumes of Exhibit Around worth € 150,00

2nd classified

  • € 50,00 Amazon Gift Card
  • Photobooks and photographic volumes of Exhibit Around worth € 50,00

Participants in the 24 HOURS of Photography – Trieste will also be eligible to win the prizes, currently being defined, of the International Open Call.

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