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The new photographic project “diVine Insights – A Journey Through the World of Wine”

28 February 2024

The dotART cultural association, in collaboration with Exhibit Around APS, launch the multidisciplinary project diVine Insights – A Journey Through the World of Wine to celebrates the heritage and passion of a unique and fascinating territory through photography.

The project takes us on a journey through the Twentieth Century, highlighting the crucial role that viticulture played, in the life of the lands of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), shaping the landscape, culture, and economy of the region. The project also showcases how the passion of winemakers has resisted the challenges of time, allowing viticulture to thrive and grow, and making the region’s wines famous and recognized throughout the world.

The Twentieth Century saw viticulture in Friuli Venezia Giulia undergo a period of transformations, with the devastation caused by the Great War contributing to epochal changes in the choice of vine varieties, cultivation systems, and other factors. The project highlights important and evocative testimonies from the First World War, preserved in the Italian and Austro-Hungarian war archives. These include black and white photos of vineyards, the transport of wine in barrels for the supply of troops, and images of the reconstruction of viticulture in the immediate post-war period from public and private archives.

Thanks to important partnerships, the project is structured into three main parts: an international free open call, inviting photographers to send images on the topic of viticulture according to their sensitivity; two photographic walks, Buttrio and Conte d’Attimis-Maniago (9th March) and Sagrado, Gradisca and Ungaretti Park ( 6th April); a photographic workshop with the professional photographer Lorenzo Zoppolato.

The activities carried out will give life to a multimedia document made up of archive and current photographs, filmed (also with drone), enriched by interviews with partners, consultants, producers, and sector experts. Three photo exhibitions and presentation events will start from June 2024, along with a photo book featuring texts by consultants and partners, and current, archive, and drone images.

The project is also part of the activities of PixAround FVG which this year is dedicated to GO!2025 – Nova Gorica-Gorizia. European Capital of Culture 2025 and will also be presented at the Eleventh edition of the Trieste Photo Days – International Photography Festival, in October 2024.

The multidisciplinary project is carried out with the Support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region – Io Sono FVG and the Partnerships with the Municipality of Buttrio, the Municipality of Sagrado, the Friends of Castelnuovo Association, the “Fotoclub Lucinico” APS Cultural Association, Sandanielese Photographic Club Ernesto Battigelli APS, Friuli Venezia Giulia Airport spa. Collaboration with: Conte d’Attimis-Maniago, Associazione Città del Vino, Consorzio Culturale del Monfalconese, CBVG Consorzio di Bonifica Venezia Giulia. The project also avails itself of the Consultancy of Stefano Cosma, food and wine journalist, author of books on the history of wines (Tocai, Vitovska, Collio and others), organizer of the Gran Premio Noè dedicated to wine in Gradisca d’ Isonzo; Franco Bochicchio, former full professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy – Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Genoa, president of the Inter-university Consortium on training – University of Turin, author of the book “Food and wine tourism, taste and subjective well-being” for “Il gusto as an educational experience”.

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