Pasolini Photo Days: Mythography – Rules Open Call for Entries

Pasolini Photo Days: Mythography

Full regulation

Open Call

The  dotART  and  Exhibit Around APS associations  (promoters of the  Trieste Photo Days 2022 festival ) are launching an open call addressed to all photographers for the  Pasolini Photo Days 2022 project .

Registration for the Call is completely free, as is participation in the project in case of selection.


The  Pasolini Photo Days 2022  project will be a tribute that will combine  photography , literature, re-mediation, dissemination and moments of encounter, in the international context of the  Trieste Photo Days  and the  Photo Days Tour  (the frame of events taking place outside the city during the festival).

The aim is  to celebrate Pier Paolo Pasolini  ‘s cultural and iconographic heritage  through photography  on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.

Pasolini Photo Days 2022  is a contaminated and multidisciplinary project that embraces different fields: photography, mythology, historical and literary dissemination, links with the territory. Common denominators: the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini, photography and the regional territory.

Themes and style

The call is aimed at photographers interested in submitting  single photos  and/or  projects/portfolios  in tribute to the figure of Pier Paolo Pasolini, intellectual and total artist of the twentieth century.

The open call is aimed at the production of a photographic volume dedicated to Pasolini. Each author is free to infuse the works with his own stylistic code, as well as to choose the type of photography that is most congenial to him.

We are therefore looking  for Photos and/or Projects  freely inspired by the following themes:

  • Nonconformity and Transgression  (Symbolized by  Dionysus , god of wine, mystical delirium and otherness)
  • Religion and Sacred
  • Nature and Roots
  • Modernity and Periphery

Photographic genres:  fine-art, street photography, architectural photography and industrial archaeology.


Pasolini and the ancient – Enrico Medda

  • Pasolini approaches the ancient world through readings of historians of religions, in particular Brelich. He is fascinated by the more archaic dimension, the one that still fully knows man’s contact with the dimension of the sacred even in its most violent forms (human sacrifice). This dimension is explored in particular in the first part of the film Medea with the representation of human sacrifice and with the bloody death of Medea’s brother.
  • The theme of the  recovery of the mythical and religious dimension as an ‘irrational’ component  necessary to compensate for the negative effects of rationalism associated with modern democratic and consumerist societies (a point on which PP clashes with the communist party, which rejected irrationalism as the basis of art and political ideas). Pasolini mythologizes in some way with serious misunderstandings) the condition of postcolonial Africa of the 60s believing he can identify in it a world in which the ancient roots are not lost. Especially important in this is the film Notes for an African Orestiade, where Pasolini sets the story of Orestes in East Africa (Tanzania and Uganda) outlining a project of fusion between the rationality of the whites represented by Athens and the ancient archaic roots present in the life of young people who come from the villages.
  • The political theme of the failure of the communist revolution, into which conservative forces infiltrate. From this point of view the drama Pilade is important, a sort of continuation of the Oresteia in which Pasolini presents the resurgence of the Furies, goddesses of  an ineliminable past, as a necessary condition for the survival of the new order . The Erinyes are seen as ‘dream forms’ from which one cannot and must not free oneself.
  • The  explorations of classical literature and ancient theater : Sophocles’ Oedipus king, Euripides’ Medea, Aeschylus’ Oresteia.
  • Pasolini e Dioniso: la forza del dio dell’alterità, capace di trasformazioni infinite e sempre pronto a mettere in crisi l’assetto consolidato delle forme sociali con la sua componente orgiastica e irrazionale attrae moltissimo Pasolini, che si ispira a lui in Teorema.
  • Pasolini continually wonders about how the concepts underlying the ancient divinities and the ancient ideas of religion, revenge, the sacred, etc., can be represented with language and images. For example, in the film Appunti per una Orestiade Africana Pasolini searches nature for images that can express the strength of the Erinyes, and  the mechanisms of revenge; in Medea he plays on the face of Callas, and on the nature of Cappadocia to represent an archaic and violent past  , etc.


The Call is open from 29 July to 11 September 2022 on . Registration is completely free, as is participation in the project in case of selection. To submit photos, simply register in the Exhibit Around user area , select the Pasolini Photo Days 2022: Mythography call  and follow the procedure for  Single Photos  and/or  Projects/Portfolios .

Photographic volumes

Only the selected works will become part of the volume Pasolini Photo Days 2022: Mythography .

Un’anteprima delle foto del volume verrà presentata durante il festival Trieste Photo Days 2022 (28-30 ottobre).


A selection of the best photos taken from the volume will be exhibited in a  cycle of international group exhibitions  starting from November 2022, as part of a special section of the  Photo Days Tour 2022 , the setting for events taking place outside the city during the Trieste Photo Days.

The Pasolini Photo Days events will continue until March 2023.


Only the selected authors will be contacted by the Exhibit Around staff by November 2022. There are no contributions to expenses to become part of the project.

The authors published in the books will be entitled to a special discount valid for the purchase of 1 copy of the volumes (there are no free copies, unless otherwise specified). All authors will receive the digital copy of the book in pdf format, which will also be published on  Issuu .


For each volume, Exhibit Around APS will choose among the Selected:

  • the Best Author
  • the Honorable Mentions

The Best Author of the Call  Pasolini Photo Days 2022: Mythography  will receive:

  • $500 Amazon voucher 
  • personalized medal
  • guest for two, for two nights at Trieste Photo Days 2022 (October 28-30) for the presentation of the project and the awarding of  Pasolini Photo Days 2022: Mythography
  • 1 copia del libro

The Honorable Mentions will be awarded with a personalized medal at the presentation events of the projects.

All winners will also receive some  CRAF books for free .


  • Each photographer can upload up to 20 single works and up to 2 projects/portfolios consisting of a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 20 photos.
  • The photographer will have to assign to each submitted work one of the tags foreseen in the call.
  • We accept both color and black and white photos.
  • Projects and portfolios can be accompanied by a brief description, which Exhibit Around reserves the right to modify, edit and/or not publish. The author’s name will always be present.
  • We will select a photo that will become the cover image and the official visual of the project. We therefore invite the authors who wish to entitle one of the candidate photos with the words “Book Cover”. The ideal image for the cover is evocative, well represents the spirit of the project and contains “empty space” for inserting the title.
  • Photos must not contain signatures, watermarks, watermarks or frames.
  • Please DO NOT upload identical photos in the Portfolio section and in the Single Photos section (for example: a Portfolio of 20 photos + the same 20 photos as 20 Single Photos). Eventually, you can upload a maximum of 1 or 2 representative photos of your portfolio also in the Single Photos section.

Technical characteristics of the images

  • jpg format
  • Metodo colore RGB
  • Individual files must be less than 9 MB each
  • Minimum dimensions of the smaller side: 2000 px / maximum dimensions of the longer side: 6000 px
  • The file name (filename.jpg) must not contain special characters (accents, apostrophes, symbols, etc.)


In the Portfolio section, to be sure that the order of the photos is correct, add the numbers in the desired sequence to the file name (eg “filename03.jpg”, “08filename.jpg”, …).


Each photographer retains the moral and intellectual property rights on their works submitted for the call. Each author grants the Exhibit Around APS association the non-exclusive right to use the winning/selected images to promote/advertise the association’s non-profit activities, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the work) .