New free photography open call for photographers

Mythography 5
Juno, Venus, and VestaThe photographic and editorial series Mythography returns with its fifth volume, edited by Professor Enrico Medda. Mythography V will be inspired by the divinities of the Greco-Roman pantheon, focusing on Juno (Hera), Venus (Aphrodite), and Vesta (Hestia). Each goddess embodies powerful themes – marriage, love, and the hearth – inviting photographers to capture these mythological figures through modern interpretations that bridge classical myths with contemporary storytelling.
Deadline 2nd February, 2025

Mythography vol. V: Juno, Venus, and Vesta
Exhibit Around APS and the dotART Cultural Association are excited to launch a new photographic open call for the fifth volume of the Mythography editorial project. This edition will explore the themes inspired by the Greco-Roman goddesses Juno (Hera), Venus (Aphrodite), and Vesta (Hestia), inviting photographers to capture their mythological essence in modern interpretations.
The project
Mythography is an annual series of photographic volumes inspired by Greco-Roman mythology, each volume centered on specific deities that shape its themes. The project also includes exhibitions, talks, and special guests within the Trieste Photo Days 2025 International Photography Festival. Mythography vol. V will explore Juno (Hera), Venus (Aphrodite), and Vesta (Hestia), inviting photographers to interpret these goddesses through contemporary visual storytelling.
The theme
For Mythography Vol. V, the goddesses inspire themes rich in symbolism and storytelling, each opening up different creative possibilities for photographers:
Juno (Hera), goddess of marriage, symbolizes union and bond, inspiring wedding photography and human relationships. It invites you to capture intimate moments that reflect the depth of personal connections.
Venus (Aphrodite), goddess of love and beauty, embodies desire, passion and creativity, offering ideas for photography of fashion, portrait, love and queer themes. Venus invites you to creatively explore personal expression.
Vesta (Hestia), goddess of the hearth, represents home and domestic life, inspiring family photography. Its symbolism evokes belonging, warmth and stability, celebrating home as a place of refuge.
For who is it for
This open call invites photographers from around the globe to submit single photos, projects, and portfolios inspired by the themes of Mythography V. Selected works will be showcased in a major international exhibition during the 12th edition of the Trieste Photo Days, taking place in Trieste, Italy at the end of October 2025.
The photos
Each photographer is encouraged to apply their unique style and choose the photography genre that resonates most with them. You may submit work across multiple themes. Whether it's a single photo or a full project/portfolio, all submissions should draw inspiration from the themes of the deities Juno, Venus, and Vesta, embodying their symbolic connections to marriage, love, and the hearth, respectively.
Get inspired: discover the deities
The descriptions of the goddesses and the related symbolic themes present in Mythography Vol. V were edited by Enrico Medda, Professor of Greek literature at the University of Pisa, consultant of the volumes series and editorial curator.
Each description is accompanied by a gallery of inspiring photographs, designed to visually evoke the atmospheres suggested by the themes. However, photographers are invited to give full rein to their imagination and freely interpret the deities and their symbolism, exploring their own personal and visual style.
Hera (Juno for the Romans) is a powerful goddess, sister and wife of Zeus, with whom she reigns on Olympus. She is the protector of marriage and childbirth. To Zeus she begets Ares, god of war, Ilithyia, goddess of childbirth, and Hebe, goddess of youth. Great festivals honoured her throughout Greece celebrating her sacred marriage to Zeus. She is also a vengeful goddess, capable of lashing out at her husband for his betrayals and at her many mistresses, to whom she reserves harsh vengeance. In Rome she forms, together with Jupiter and Minerva, the powerful Capitoline triad.
Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans) is a mighty goddess who symbolizes the cosmic impulse of eros, which ensures the procreation and survival of the whole world. Her unparalleled beauty is capable of instilling in anyone (even the gods themselves) an irrepressible urge to satisfy desire, causing both great joy and terrible consequences (such as the Trojan War, which arose from her promise to Paris to give him Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, if he chose her as the winner in the beauty contest between the goddesses). A famous myth narrated by Hesiod tells how she was born from the foam of the sea, where Kronos had thrown his father Uranus' genitals after having emasculated him. There are countless examples of her power, well known to the great poetess Sappho, who dedicated many of her celebrated odes to her.
Hestia (in Rome Vesta) was the patron deity of the hearth and home, of which she inhabited the innermost part. She is vowed to perpetual chastity, and in return for this Zeus granted her great honour from every man and in all the temples of the gods. Unlike other gods, Hestia does not travel, but remains quiet on Olympus. She represents the inner dimension of the house as opposed to the outer, public dimension in which Hermes dominates. Her symbol is fire, which must always be kept alive to ensure the stability of her cult and domestic life. In Rome, her priestesses are the Vestals, who are also devoted to chastity.
The call is open to everyone, with free registration and no cost for exhibition or book inclusion if selected. To submit photos, register or log in to the Exhibit Around user area at, select Mythography V, and follow the instructions for Single Photos and/or Projects/Portfolios.
Following a precise curatorship work, the Best Author of the project and the Honorable Mentions will be selected .
The awards ceremony will take place during the Trieste Photo Days 2025 at the end of October.
For more details on the prizes, please visit our prizes overview page or learn more about the artist on Giorgio Celiberti’s official website.
Exhibit Around will select:
- Best Author – “A unique STELE by artist Giorgio Celiberti” and a featured exhibition at Trieste Photo Days 2025, and 15.000 PhotoPoints.
- A featured interview in text and/or video format highlighting the winning photo or project/portfolio, with related promotion through social media and blog post
- Honorable Mentions – “A unique silver SIGILLO by artist Giorgio Celiberti” and a featured exhibition at Trieste Photo Days 2025, and 8.000 PhotoPoints.
- Remarkable Rewards – “A unique bronze SIGILLO by artist Giorgio Celiberti” and 4.000 PhotoPoints.
A curated exhibition featuring the works of the Best Author, Honorable Mentions, and top photographers will be held at one of Trieste’s most historically significant venues, located in the heart of the city in the presence of the special guest.

You may want to know...
Where and when will my photos be on display?
A selection of the best photos could be exhibited in an international collective exhibition at the end of October 2025 as part of Trieste Photo Days 2025.
Is participation free?
Participation in the Open Call is free.
Participation in the Open Call is completely free, as well as participation in the photographic exhibition and in the book.
We remind you that Exhibit Around is a social promotion association, therefore it is not for profit. Logistics, photo printing and exhibition organization expenses will be borne by Exhibit Around APS and dotART cultural association.
What technical characteristics must the photos have?
A candidate photo will be selected as the cover. Authors wishing to submit their photo explicitly for the cover should add the word "cover" to the name of the uploaded file.
Photos must not contain signatures, watermarks, watermarks or frames. Images must be in '.jpg' format and the color mode must be RGB. The size of the single file must be less than 9 MB while the dimensions required for the photos are:
- minimum 2000px short side
- maximum 6000px long side
The file name must not contain special characters but only letters and/or numbers.
Who owns the rights of the candidate photos?
Each photographer retains the moral and intellectual property rights on their works submitted for the call. Each author grants the Exhibit Around and dotART association the non-exclusive right to use the winning / selected images to promote and/or advertise the association's non-profit activities, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the 'Opera).