The Double City

Deadline 30th June 2024

“The Double City” – Photography Open Call full regulation

The Double City

Full regulation

Open call

Exhibit Around APS association, one of the creators of the International Photography Festival Trieste Photo Days, launches the new open call “The Double City”.

The Call is free and is open to all photographers, professionals and amateurs.


The call is open from the 17th of May to the 30th of June 2024.

To send photos, simply log in or register in our user area at, select the open call The Double City and follow the loading procedure from the single photos and/or projects/portfolio.

Themes and Style

The new photographic and editorial project on double cities in the world is born with the aim of exploring and understanding the complex realities of divided communities, offering an in-depth look at the current challenges and dynamics that characterize these double cities.

The theme is open to interpretation and does not require the presence of an actual border. For example, submissions can include photos that capture the coexistence of two distinct cultures within a single city (within the same borders) or photos that highlight separation due to a real boundary.

The project aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive view of all the different types of duality that can be present in a twin city. There are 36 double cities just in Europe, we are wiating to see your shots from cities all around the globe!

Each author is free to infuse their works with their unique stylistic touch and to choose the type of photography that best represents them, such as social reportage, documentary photography, urban architecture, street photography, portrait, creative photography, landscape, fine art, etc.


Following a careful selection, Exhibit Around APS will choose the Best Author and the Honorable Mentions, who will be rewarded with:

Best Author

  • Amazon Gift Card: € 500,00
  • special and personalized trophy
  • Photo displayed at Magazzino 26, Trieste
  • Free 2-night stay:
    • a weekend in a local Winery, or
    • in a hotel in Trieste, during Trieste Photo Days 2024 (1-3 November)
  • free copy of the book The Double City
  • A selection of free copies of Exhibit Around’s photography books

Honorable Mentions

  • Personalized medal
  • A selection of free copies of Exhibit Around’s photography books

Furthermore, a selection of the best photos will be displayed, together with those by the Best Author and the Honorable Mentions, in a large exhibition at one of the most important locations of the festival.


The best selected photos, together with those of the Best Author and the Honorable Mentions, will be part of a series of international collective exhibitions.

Exhibitions will be held as part of the Trieste Photo Days 2024 festival at Magazzino 26 and as part of the Photo Days Tour at Trieste Airport.

Photographic volume

The best selected works will appear in the official photographic volume The Double City.

The volume will also be a collection of the best shots from the local photographic walks linked to the project.
The book will be presented at the 11th edition of the international photography festival Trieste Photo Days and within the scope of Photo Days Tour 2024.

A selection of photos will become part of the Trieste Photo Days 2024 catalog.

Multimedia document

A selection of the best photographs will contribute to the audiovisual document that will be created involving Partners and Institutions.

The multidisciplinary document will be published on Exhibit Around APS’ and Trieste Photo Days’ socials; it may also be posted on other platforms and used in a multitude of ways: in schools and universities, by the institutions and partners involved, by the interested communities, etc.

The winner of the call agrees to be available for a series of interviews aimed at promoting the project, Exhibit Around APS’ activities and Trieste Photo Days.

Meetings and conferences

The project includes a cycle of meetings, conferences and related events, aimed at promoting and presenting the exhibition, the book and the topics addressed.

Selection and Fees

he open call is free.
No contributions are needed to join the project, nor for the presence in the book or in the exhibition – should you be selected.

The selected authors will be contacted by the Exhibit Around staff by the end of August 2024.

The authors who will be published in the book will be entitled to a special discount valid for the purchase of 1 copy of the volume (no free copies are provided, unless otherwise specified). All authors will receive a digital copy of the book in PDF format which will be published on the Exhibit Around website.


  • Each photographer can upload up to 10 single pictures and up to 1 projects/portfolio consisting of a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 20 photos.
  • Exhibit Around APS members will be able to upload up to 20 single photos.
    Subscribers will be able to upload a different amount of portfolios based on their subscription level: Photography Member: up to 3 portfolios, Photography Enthusiast: up to 4 portfolios, Photography Master: up to 5 portfolio and Photography LEGEND: up to 10 portfolios. The portfolios must consist of a minimum of 3 photos to a maximum of 20.
    For more information on how to sign up and become an Exhibit Around member, visit our dedicated page.
  • We accept both colour and black and white photos.
  • Projects and portfolios may be accompanied by a brief description, which Exhibit Around reserves the right to modify, edit and/or not publish. The author’s name will always be present.
  • We will select a photo that will become the cover image and the official visual of the project. We therefore invite authors who wish to do so to name one of the candidate photos “Book cover”. The ideal image for the cover is evocative, represents the spirit of the project well and contains “empty space” for the insertion of the title.
  • Photos should not contain signatures, watermarks, or frames.
  • Please do NOT upload identical photos in the Portfolio section and in the Single Photos section (e.g. a Portfolio of 20 photos + the same 20 photos as 20 Single Photos). If necessary, you can upload a maximum of 1 or 2 representative photos of your portfolio in the Single Photo section as well.

Images Technical Specifications

  • Format .jpg
  • Colour method RGB
  • Individual files must be less than 9 MB each
  • Minimum size smallest side: 2000 px / maximum size longest side: 6000 px
  • The file name (filename.jpg) must not contain any special characters (accents, apostrophes, symbols, etc.)


Each non-member photographer can upload up to 10 single pictures and 1 portfolio, while registered Exhibit Around members can upload up to 20 single photos and an increasingly greater number of projects/portfolios based on their membership level:

  • Photography Member: up to 3 portfolios
  • Photography Enthusiast: up to 4 portfolios
  • Photography Master: up to 5 portfolios
  • Photography LEGEND: up to 10 portfolios

The uploaded projects/portfolios must consist of a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 20 to be considered as such. For more information on how to sign up and become an Exhibit Around member, visit our dedicated page.


Each photographer retains the moral rights and intellectual property rights to his or her entries. Each author grants the dotART and Exhibit Around APS associations the non-exclusive right to use the winning/selected images to promote/publicise the non-profit activities of the association, subject to official communication to the author (whose name will always be attributed to the work).