May 2022
27-28-29 October 2022
For this second edition of Mythography, with great honour, Nino Migliori will be the special guest of the book and the exhibition. Mythography vol. II will be presented within the Trieste Photo Days international photography festival with a live conference with Nino Migliori and the curator Enrico Medda, professor of Greek literature at the University of Pisa.
We are working on curatorship and design of the collective photographic volumes that we will present at the end of October at the Trieste Photo Days 2022 festival. With great [...]
Mythography is back! For the second year we are happy to launch the photographic project that pays homage to Greek and Roman mythology! Conceived in 2021 by the dotART and Exhibit [...]
Dates 28th October 27th November 2022
The exhibition dedicated to the second volume of Mythography with special guest Nino Migliori.
Mythography vol. II is a volume dedicated to light and shadow, inspired by the Greco-Latin divinities Apollo and Pluto.
Mythography Vol. II includes photos and projects inspired by two deities of the Greek-Latin pantheon: Apollo, god of the Sun and of Art and Pluto, god of Shadows. Myhtography Vol. II is edited and introduced by Enrico Medda, professor of Greek literature at the University of Pisa. The special guest is Nino Migliori, dean of Italian photography.
Deadline 29th May 2022
The series of photographic volumes Mythography is back with its second volume. Edited by Professor Enrico Medda, Mythography vol. II will see Nino Migliori as a special guest with his works in the book and in presence during the dedicated exhibition. A second volume inspired by the gods of the Greek-Latin pantheon Apollo and Pluto.