December 2020
August 2021
27-28-29 October 2021
Tales of the Unwritten contains dozens of small and large stories narrated through street photography: an immediate and real photographic genre that reveals new aspects of society, hidden corners of urban spaces, contrasts and contradictions of our time, celebrations of beauty or chronicles of degradation urban. In a word, stories.
We are pleased to announce the best authors of the Tales of the Unwritten project, selected by the Exhibit Around editorial team. The authors will be awarded a medal at the end [...]
After a careful selection work, we are finally ready to reveal the first details of the Tales of the Unwritten volume, the tribute to street photography that we will preview at the Trieste Photo Days [...]
Submissions for Tales of the Unwritten, the new original project promoted by Exhbit Around, are now officially closed. Thanks to all the photographers who sent us their works! We are delighted with [...]
Dates 17th October 5th November 2021
Tales of the Unwritten is a collective tribute to street photography featuring 189 photographers from all over the world, together with the selected authors of the street photography collectives involved in the project: BULB Photos, iN-PUBLiC, Observe Collective, Un-posed, VoidTokyo and Women Street Photographers.
Tales of the Unwritten contains dozens of small and large stories narrated through street photography: an immediate and real photographic genre that reveals new aspects of society, hidden corners of urban spaces, contrasts and contradictions of our time, celebrations of beauty or chronicles of degradation urban. In a word, stories.
Deadline 7th March 2021
Tales of the Unwritten contains dozens of small and large stories narrated through street photography: an immediate and real photographic genre that reveals new aspects of society, hidden corners of urban spaces, contrasts and contradictions of our time, celebrations of beauty or chronicles of degradation urban. In a word, stories.